Lens Replacement Surgery
Lens Surgery at Optyco
At Optyco we offer two types of Lens Replacement Surgery, Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) and Implantable Contact Lens (ICL), providing patients with the freedom from glasses and contact lenses. This treatment involves the insertion of an artificial lens, known as an intraocular lens, inside the eye (commonly abbreviated as IOL). These treatments can correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)

A refractive lens exchange is the same surgical procedure as cataract treatment; the only difference is that we extract a clear lens rather than a lens with opacities. After the natural lens is removed, it is replaced with an artificial lens selected for each patient to provide the best possible visual outcome. This is usually performed on patients over the age of 40.

Implantable contact lenses (ICL)

Implantable contact lenses are a treatment recommended for patients under the age of 40, who do not require reading glasses. An artificial lens is positioned in front of the natural lens, giving patients great visual results. This procedure is also reversible.

Lens Replacement Surgery

Freedom from Reading Glasses

Optyco offers multiple procedures to reduce or eliminate the need for reading glasses. This may vary from patient to patient depending on prescription, age and visual expectations and therefore will be discussed during your consultation.

Types of Lenses Inserted at Optyco

Monofocal lenses will correct distance vision only, giving clear far away vision with the need to wear reading glasses for close work. To correct reading vision, a multifocal or accommodative lens can be used which is usually custom made for that patient.

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Lens Replacement Surgery
Lens Replacement Surgery
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